Sunday, July 14, 2013


Yes Iowa.  We were just too close to miss touching down and saying hello.  Unfortunately we are two weeks to early for the Ragride (?) across Iowa in 7 days.  Apparently they have 10,000 bikers who join in the fun.  Kind of like Minnesota's 10,000 lakes.  I sense a bit of competition here.  All across the country to date we have been hearing about this ride and told we have to try it out someday.  Not sure when but certainly this may be an adventure to partake in.  Tomorrow we cross into Wisconsin and I am looking forward to another new state to explore.  Wisconsin (Southern Wisconsin) has gorgeous farms, two beautiful campgrounds that we have stayed in and lousy roads, on par with South Dakota, Storms, lightning and thunder and WINDS..... Margi and Mike don't seem to favor the incredibly beautiful green lawns that take up acres and acres.  Something to do with too much to mow.  I on the other hand am enamored with these gorgeous farm homes and lovely, lovely grass.  Hate the hog smell, but the corn is pretty, especially when the wind is blowing gently.  That gentle wind.....was only an occasional second or two, but still wonderful to witness.  Dark comes late for us but sleep comes earlier.  Toni and Dennis you will be happy to know that our bedtime since leaving Idaho has been pushed back a bit to 10 ish however early morning to rise is still in our forecast for our morning routines.  Hours and hours on the bike and I am thinking about all of you I know and love so much.  Thankfully I have Nolan, Keira and Taelyn with me daily pinned on my bike to keep me peddling along the road, eventually to home.
This corn field is in Minnesota but it could have been Iowa or Wisconsin.  They all look the same.  Some taller than others!

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