Thursday, July 25, 2013


No, not a town, county or ?????  This just happens to be the best fish ever and a Wisconsin favorite.  Not being a big fish eater I was skeptical however James (nephew of Rachel and John) (Margie's internet friend who hosted us all at their camp and for dinner) at the Elkcreek Lodge, convinced me to give it a try and was it ever delicious!  This fish is a Pike and not fishy at all.  I highly recommend to try this grilled although they cook it many ways.  The fish was fabulous but the whole event was very memorable.  Margie met Rachel on her Mafia war games on the internet and became fast friends.  Ray adjusted our travel plans so that we could all hook up and what a hook up it was.  We were guests of Rachel and John at their fabulous campsite and evening of great food, drink and cars!  Elkhart has a yearly antique car race and this little town of 400 swells to thousands for the big event.  The cars are loud and fast and fun and the best part is watching about 100 antique cars drive down the road a piece and thru the town for display.  Captain was another highlight of the evening.  Captain is John's father and a former WWII vet.  I had the pleasure of sitting across from him at dinner and along with the drinks which he and I both enjoyed.  The conversation was interesting to say the least.  Thanks again Rachel, John, Captain and James!


  1. I found a youtube of the cars that Terri was talking about:

  2. You're very welcome, Terri - it was so good to meet you and Ray! We are in awe of your adventure!!!!

  3. Can you see this:
