Friday, August 2, 2013

Hello from Boonville New York

Not quite the Boonesville, Ca., Ray and I had always planned on retiring to, however, not bad just the same!  We are on the outskirts of the Adirondacks in New York.  The riding has been beautiful and still a workout as the hills are up and down, up and down and more ups and down.  The elevation isn't high but the dips make up for the lack of elevation.  We are still a threesome at this point in the trip and Margie is somewhere in Canada working her way down to us sometime tomorrow.  Word has it John and Johnny don't camp (at least John doesn't camp and Johnny is electing not to on this trip.)  Ray, Mike and I were tossing around the idea of a hotel tonight due to rain concerns but the radar shows the showers have moved from our neck of the woods so camping it is, ONCE AGAIN!

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