Friday, June 21, 2013

AAA to the rescue!

Looks like our battery is dead for the second time so we are still at the KOA in Dillon waiting for a new battery.  No early start to this day but that is okay.  We have some shopping to do and everyone is talking about the Patogonia Outlet in town.  Margi needs to pick up some things and we have breakfast to find.

Natalie, Israel and Jordan camped along side of us last night.  Three of them in one little tent.....It poured rain and then poured again.  The sun is out at the moment but more rain is expected.  We are only going a short distance today of 47-50 miles and staying at another KOA in Alder-Virginia City.  Nice facilities and reasonable for tenters.

I met a funny old man in the KOA last night that wrote a book and has it stocked in the store.  Anyways, after quite a conversation I of course had to spend the $20 to buy the book.  At least he autographed it for Mike, Margie, Ray and I.  Hope it is good reading!  It is about a boy and his crow!  Can't wait to get started.  I am sure it will become a New York Times best seller.

Also met up on the road with two ladies on recumbent bikes.  We were told by the biker we met traveling from Salt Lake to Banff that we would run into them as they are a bit slow.  Their deal is across the country before 70.  They are 64 years young now and they take 3 weeks a year and do a section at a time.  Suppose to share a glass of wine with them tonight in Alder.  They got an early start but chances are we will catch up with them on the road.

My great adventure yesterday included riding bike alongside a deer.  He was behind a fence alongside the road and it was very cool to riding the same speed that he was running.  Very cool until he jumped the fence and crossed the road in front of me no more than 5 feet.  Something about Elk and Deer with me riding.  They all cross in front of me.

The big news all around this area is the arrival of the Rainbow People.  About 25 thousand of them gather once a year in different locations and they camp out.  The police and forestry are beefed up everywhere for their arrival.  Apparently not all of them have read their group's by-laws and their environmental and political agenda don't always mesh with their actions.  They seem to have the idea that they deserve whatever they take and they can leave any and all things behind.  HUMMMMM....reminiscent of the 60's.


Our highest peak yesterday.  7400 feet then downhill and yes, up hills again!

1 comment:

  1. The Rainbow Gathering! I've always wanted to go to one of them! I actually emailed a guy from the rainbow gathering the other day to ask which date is the Black's Beach Full Moon Drum Circle. Maybe you and Ray have attended it? Looks like you guys are having a blast! The U.S. is gorgeous, so excited you get to see it by bike!!!
