Saturday, June 15, 2013

Dixie At Last!

Finally some hot showers and a great dinner cooking with Toni and Dennis at their incredible Cabin in Dixie.  I think Mike and Margie wondered where in the hell we were going as we had to drive 3 hours outside of the bustling town of Grangeville.  This was after Mike and Ray's heroic ride up the 14 mile up White Bird Hill.  They said it wasn't as bad as McKenzie Pass but it sure looked horrendous.  I was driving.  Margie is on pain meds and can't drive for a few days.  That is a story in itself and will have its own heading.  It is hard to keep up with all the stories and the sequence of happenings.  Ray will fill in all the important details.  I am more like the National Inquirer reporter.

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