Thursday, June 6, 2013

More Coffee at Sisters

I think I am liking my new found job.  Everyone is at the campsite and I am at the coffee shop.  6:30 am and I have a whole hour to myself to gather my thoughts and fill in some details.  Mostly I am downloading photos from everyones gear.

Since Ray has been sporting his Scotland attire he has opened up conversations with other travelers and sure enough met another Scotsman yesterday in camp with his Danish wife who (the wife) is traveling on bike from Florence Oregon to Virginia.  Her husband is the sag driver and she is traveling on her own.  Benefit for cancer research.  Her first major bike trip was around the edges of Scotland, all the way around.  Ray was short the Whiskey to have a celebratory drink with the couple so that is going to be corrected soon.  We are starting to learn what supplies are important and what supplies are not.  I guess on that note I again need to "Blame it on Gregor" as Coke is a much needed drink at the end of the trail.  Mike, Ray and I all have the urge and none of us really drink the stuff......until now.
Believe it or not this is a slug.  Nolan check it out!

Mike standing on top of a tree stump he cut with his weatherman.  Looks like he is standing on his bike....Just as good!

Celebration time!

views from the top

Lava look out point at the very top of the climb.  

1 comment:

  1. Your doing a fine job Terri. Tell Maggie everyones not on facebook. Tell her to post a few instagrams. Sounds like your all having a good time. Look forward to hearing more. :-)
