Wednesday, June 5, 2013

breaking down camp.

getting ready for second day on the road.  according to Gregor an easy day.  Most of our photos from day one are on larrys camera so until he downlaods them we cant share.  so far larry has done an amazing job of capturing of our first day,  laundry seems to be my challenge of the morning.  I have manged to dry an load of clothes. add dry time to another persons dryer and hoping the third time I get it right.  I am trying to teach ray and mike how to post from their phones.  mike keeps getting interrupted with phone calls and ray gets frustrated and quits.  margie is too busy facebooking and counting her responses to her posts.  once we are at a Hilton we will fill in the back stories.

Sorry this is out of order...  Internet sevice has been a challenge and trying to do everything on the phone has been difficult.  Most of your will catch Ray and Margi off their facebook pages as they are good at that but not so good at blogging.  Mike expects me to remember all his funny remarks and episodes during the day and then be his secretary and write for him.  Erik you need to work with your dad on writing.  He has the wit just not the patience.  Anyways for the rest of you readers get used to me because I am afraid I might be the best you will get.

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