Saturday, June 15, 2013

New Meadows to Riggins

Back in time to Thursday. ..  What was suppose to be an easy, easy ride downhill into Riggins from New Meadows turned into a nightmare ride into the wind.  If you were not pedaling as hard as you could you were at a dead standstill.  We were lucky to keep a pace of 11-12 miles an hour down a grade that would of been fun at 25 miles.  We are about 10 miles outside of Riggins and planning on extending our ride that day per Gregor's recommendations to White Bird.  Made for an 84 mile day.  Anyways , we riding along, Ray in the lead, me in the middle and Margi bringing up the rear.  Mike at the wheel (driving).  We come to a pull out where a car had pulled out and a family was out of their car.    There was an older gentleman with a cane and as we passed he yelled out hello and was waving a cane at us.  Ray in the lead heard something and started to slow down, I in turn slowed and Margi who was waving back at the family didn't catch the slow down and ran up on my back wheel locked in and nearly took both of us down.  I stayed upright and Margi went down with a bang.  Her head hit hard but she was fine (thank goodness for helmets) but when she went to get up she could not get up.  We thought it was her hip at first but in reality in was a pain in her groin.  Margi was lifted into the truck and Mike and Margie went ahead to Riggins to find medical assistance.  Ray and I hurried into town and found them just about outside of town in a little Medical clinic.  There was no X-ray machines so the nurse in Riggins called ahead to Grangeville a 45 minute drive away to alert the emergency room.  Margi and I took off in the truck and guys stopped at the infamous restaurant that caused Ray's stomach problems for the next two days.  Once at Sringa Hospital we got Margi X-rayed and discovered that she had fractured her Pupic Rami.  This is a weight bearing injury and will take 8 weeks to heal.  Margi is on crutches for 4-5 days and pain meds.  I will be driving until she is able and then she will take over as our sag driver.  Margie continues to be a great trooper and she even managed to sleep in the tent after leaving the hospital.  That too is another story.  These guys (Mike and Ray) have no mercy.  They opted for the campground that was $10 and did not have showers or warm water.  Gregor had chosen a nice place but the guys have gone cheap on us.  Cheap no more........Margie and I have made a stand!
medical clinic in Riggins
Margie in Grangeville ER

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