Monday, June 10, 2013

Much Needed Nights Rest

Hotel time!!!

Ray riding up what was thought to be the last hill of the day only it was a mirage once again.

Finally after 7 days running or riding I should say we landed at at Best Western in Baker City Oregon!  Thankful for the pool and spa.  It has been hot, hot, hot on the ride and yesterdays hill rides were merciful less .  Ray and Mike made all the hills and somewhere between 79 and 84 miles.  The road signs are all off and we seem to mess with our odometers from time to time so accuracy can me amiss.  I rode 58 miles and made 1.5 hill climbs.  Too many days running and sore legs, arms got the best of me.  Margi topped off one down hill ride at 40.4 miles......she loves the downs.....I slowed myself down around some curves by sitting up straighter, never using the brakes and topped out at 38.8 .  I call these my E ticket rides..   I can tell you even have been on some EE rides.  Amazing scenery and fantastic days.  I always feel sick to my stomach at the start of every ride and takes me about 5 miles into it to relax and enjoy.  Around mile 30-40 my neck starts to hurt and I am thinking what am I doing.  At mile 45-50 I am looking at my picture of Nolan pinned to my shirt and talking to Nolan to get me thru the end of the ride.  Reminds me of when I was playing lots of tennis and tough matches.  I had a photo of Nolan on my tennis bag and at switch overs this adorable photo of Nolan at 4 months old with his hands fisted looked like he was always urging me on to success.  Karissa and Adelle I could use a few more pins with photos of the kids if you have time.  Maybe the only way I get across country.  Today is another rest day (first full rest day!) albeit we will be camping tonight. Our typical camp day means in the tent by 7 and out by 4:30am to try and make a ride start by 6:30 or 7:00.

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